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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quote by Os Guinness

Poor Faith:

They believe because it is true for them, which is relativism.

Or they believe because they felt it and experienced it very deeply, which is subjectivism.

Or they believe because it quote works for them, which is, basically, pragmatism.

But for followers of Jesus those are three fundamentally inadequate views.

We do not believe relativism, or pragmatism or subjectivism.

The Christian Faith is not true because it works; it works because it’s true.

Os Guinness




a: a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing

b: a view that ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them



a: a theory that limits knowledge to subjective experience b: a theory that stresses the subjective elements in experience


a: a doctrine that the supreme good is the realization of a subjective experience or feeling (as pleasure) b: a doctrine that individual feeling or apprehension is the ultimate criterion of the good and the right


1: a practical approach to problems and affairs <tried to strike a balance between principles and pragmatism>


: an American movement in philosophy founded by C. S. Peirce and William James and marked by the doctrines that the meaning of conceptions is to be sought in their practical bearings, that the function of thought is to guide action, and that truth is preeminently to be tested by the practical consequences of belief

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