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Friday, March 12, 2021

Sayings Marcus Tullius Cicero ~ What is morally wrong...


What is morally wrong can never be advantageous, even when it enables you to make some gain that you believe to be to your advantage. The mere act of believing that some wrongful course of action constitutes an advantage is pernicious.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Freedom ~ Master Po (Kung Fu season 2, Episode 11 "The Elixer")

Master Po:

Do you marvel at the carver’s skill?

Kwai Chang Caine:

Yes, master. And at his meaning.

Each is free to move, yet each is held captive.

Master Po:

Are we not also?

Kwai Chang Caine:

The temple does not hold us.

We have only to open the door.

Master Po:

Are we then free to go anywhere we choose, even up into the heavens?

Kwai Chang Caine:

No, master.

We, too, are captive, just as these.

Master Po:

Then why do l speak to you of freedom?

Kwai Chang Caine:

It puzzles me, master.

Master Po:

Is your mind not free to seek its own course…to soar even to the heavens…though you turn and spin within a prison?

Kwai Chang Caine:

But…I wish to be…truly free.

Master Po:

Bind yourself to nothing. Seek harmony with all. Then you will be truly free.

~ Master Po  (Kung Fu season 2, Episode 11 "The Elixer")

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