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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

excerpt by Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos on The Trinity

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos

Who is God?

Who is Jesus Christ?

What is the Gospel?

Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

How can there be one God and yet be three personalities?

God is love. God is the ultimate expression of love. Well, if we think logically, He has to be a community. He has to be three persons. Why? Because you cannot have love on your own. You cannot be all by yourself and love yourself: that is ego, that is evil. True love is selfless love; you have to express it. You have to have at least one other person to show that love, to sacrifice for that person. How can God be love if He is only one?  He is one God in essence, but He is three Persons; He is a community to show us how to love in a community. So this is one of the reasons why there is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

This is how my professor explained it:

He lit a candle for me and he placed it in front of me.
“Do you see this flame?”

 I said, “yes.”

Well, if you look at the flame, you can think of God the Father as the actual fire; He is the source of all things. But there is not just the flame there is also the light that comes from the fire, the light which hits our eye and allows us to perceive the fire, the flame. This is God the Son, Jesus Christ, because He comes into the world. The only reason why we see God is because Christ comes into the world so the son comes in and becomes visible to us and He reveals to us who God the Father is, who the Holy Spirit is. As we read the Gospel of John, you’ll see that Christ always says, He who has seen Me has seen the Father.  And so you have the flame which is God the Father, the light which comes from it, which is Christ coming into the world and you also have the heat, and the heat is felt but not seen. And the heat could be likened to the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit we do not see it come and go as Christ says in the Gospel of John, The Spirit comes as the wind, you do not see it but you feel it. And the Holy Spirit is what gives us the ability to believe. It gives us the spark of faith. It allows us to feel the presence of God. And so all these three things are all one fire, one flame, you cannot separate the three; you cannot separate the light and put it on its own and the flame on its own and the heat… all of them exist, they are all part of one fire. But at the same time they are also the three different, distinct elements. In the same way we can think of the Holy Spirit that there is one God, one essence, one will, one plan for mankind, and yet there are different expressions of that there are different personalities that are revealed to mankind so that we may know God in His entirety to have a deeper relationship to Him so that we can grow because in the Old Testament God was very far off, He was very distant, He was someone you never saw but He only spoke to you. But in the New Testament, We have God in human form. He becomes one with us and this is the great mystery of Christianity and this is the great beauty of Christianity. And so it begins with knowing exactly who is this God that we worship. Why do we say that He is a Trinity? What has been revealed to us by Him Himself and this is what we hold true.

thanks to Ancient Faith Radio

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