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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ravi Zacharias intro to the statement that there is no God because...

There cannot be a God because there is so much evil in the world

When you say there is evil aren't you assuming there is such a thing as good?


When you say there is such a thing as good aren't you assuming that there is such a thing as moral law on the basis of which to differentiate between good and evil?

When you say there is evil you assume there is good

When you assume there is good you assume there is such a thing as moral law on the basis in which to differentiate between good and evil

If you assume a more law

You most posit a moral law giver

If there is no moral law giver

There is no moral law

If there is no moral law

There is no good

If there is no good

There is no evil

Why does there have to be a moral law giver?

Morality has no value unless it has something transcending itself that gives itself that value

Human beings have value, why?

A person has value only if there is a transcendent being of infinite worth who has given you that intrinsic worth not given to you by state or law or any other entity.
--Dr. Ravi Zacharias

Can moral law come from evolution? Evolution is survival of the fittest or most adaptable (the most clever/intelligent?), a deterministic point of view. So why should Nazi Germany not have terminated those that they thought were less fit. Inferior people cause disease in the gene-pool and cause suffering to the fitter gene carriers. So were the Nazis correct? By evolutionary standards, they must have been. No human will have worth in themselves if the charity and mercy that is God is temporarily displaced by evolution. If we are determined, we are determined for the fittest most adaptable to survive by default and there will be no good reason to the contrary. Only God gives man worth from above. Each man is sacred in himself. The law of evolutionary chance does not make a distinction as it cannot give value to anything. Chance cannot decide. It is mindless. No objective value. If Only chance will determine things then no meaning exists in which to differentiate good and evil? There is no point of reference.

Lenin and Stalin created a world without God. So someone had to fill the void of God. Stalin decided he would become a god. The result was tragic and like Stalin quoted himself: One death is tragic, a million deaths is a statistic.

Was there math before it was discovered or uncovered? Was their honor, dignity, or virtue (Patience, Prudence, Temperment, Justice) or moral law before they were revealed? Was there brass, silver and/or diamonds before they were discovered? Of course we know these physical things existed for us to discover. It follows also for virtue  or moral law. Moral law must have existed before it was revealed and if it did not, it would not be coherent; it would not exist. One is physical and the other non-material or conceptual. One we see with our eyes and the other with the eye of our mind. There is a duality to life: material and non-material. But these must have always been there to be discovered . Therefore, there is a God who made the material and the non-material for man to uncover, a reasoned and logical way to know something as "Logos" or logic. For it follows that to know is to see whether by site or mind. If I was blind, I would not know light, but it still would exist. We still do not know a great many things about ourselves, the world and the cosmos, but that just means we have yet to uncover these lights of truth not that they do not exist as to argument ad ignorantiam. What is made can be discovered, and the truth follows like night follows day. It has to be made first to be uncoverable or to be revealabe, to be understandable or to have meaning.

Otherwise, we would be as the universe is today. We would be fatally determined like the laws of entropy or the second law of thermodynamics, hard-wired from disorder to disorder, heading to absolute zero or 0 Kelvin (-459.67 F or -273.15 C) in a finite, space-stretching universe. There is no hope there, there is no meaning only death. If that is what we are about, why would we create a higher moral law? From what would that be derived from? What in the cosmos would necessitate such a higher set of laws? These could not come from man himself since he is part of a system, a cog in the cold machination of the cosmos, no more free than any molecule floating in space, simply attracted by the existing laws of attraction, magnetism,  gravity, energized by heat, made increasingly inert by loss of heat. We would be as the animals, amoral. Neither would we be able to distinguish between good and evil as the animals. We would have no higher form of consciousness. We would be fatally determined to live and die; we would not weep or feel sorry for ourselves because there is no higher ideal or way to be sorry about--- nothing to miss. What animal weeps for its situation? What beast says I am more or deserve more than this? Not one. There is simply nothing to differentiate itself from the ideal because for animal life there is no ideal state. What would make man any different? How would man conceptualize a better life? A better life from what? If there is an ideal, it follows that an ideal is possible or transcendent outside our current situation or any possible situation we can create. If it exists, it exists on a higher level and since we never reach this level, why do we continue to desire it? We weep for something that the cosmos never imagined or could imagine? How is that even possible? If intuition, my gut feeling says, something else exists that is outside of my possibility of ever really attaining it, then what should I conclude?

The universe is cruel, the animal world is cruel of which I am a part, then where do I get any idea of an ideal. Why should I think the universe is cruel? I have nothing to compare cruelty to unless an ideal good exists outside of the cosmos. The universe simply is as it is, nothing more nothing less. I am a part of the universe that is going in one direction, disorder. Why should I feel the way I do? If there is no God who asks us to come to Him to receive that eternal order, then I could not have any such idea of happiness or ideal. The concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness could never be imagined let alone a standard for the American dream. It could never be conceptualized to a cold, dying cosmos. Only God can pull us out of the dying universe to a living eternal place. Only God could enlighten man away from the dark realities of the cosmos to the ideal state; otherwise, it could not be dreamed or hoped for, it is incoherent/meaningless. In Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. There has been no other and will be no other like Him.

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