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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Modus Ponens: Abortion

The Old Testament Commandment states, "Thou shalt not Kill." (Old Testament)

"I have not slain men"  (Ancient Egyptian)*

"In Nastron (Hell) I saw... murderers." (Old Norse)*

"... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."   (14th amendment, US Constitution)

Killing an innocent life is murder. It denies life.

Murder is defined as killing of an innocent life or the taking of any human life.

Killing an Innocent life is not the same as defending oneself or others against oppressors, war-time killing of an enemy who is depriving life and liberties (Genocide,  Occupying/Attacking other nations, etc.). (Though those who kill under these conditions must also confess that they took a life, ask for forgiveness, and return to the Eucharistic life of the Church).
A growing fetus has full human compliment DNA.

Full human compliment DNA is human life.

A growing fetus is a separate life from the mother and not merely a part of the mother’s body.

A growing fetus, as a separate life, is distinct from the mother’s body and has his/her own “Unalienable Rights” apart from the mother. 

A growing fetus has the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness according to “Unalienable Rights” or  sovereign rights of man.

Therefore abortion is murder of an innocent human life.


If we ask the question, do we have the right to take an innocent life? Most if not all people would say that we do not have that right. Context here is important. Specify the context for abortion and we get a different answer.

What do you call someone in a position of power who takes away people's choices? We would call them tyrants, despots, dictators or oppressors. What would we call someone in power who took people's lives from them?

inspiration for these last few sentences (II) came around the 40 minute mark of the below tube by
Michael Ramsden

also thanks to Sir C.S. Lewis.

* The Abolition of Man ~ C.S. Lewis


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