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Friday, May 3, 2013

a layman's thoughts - The idea that everything is impermanent as an absolute?

Everything is impermanent -

This cannot be an absolute because it is restricted and not free from all relations or conditions. It is a very conditioned statement to be an absolute. It, in other words, can’t stand on its own, not substantive. Hate, darkness, cold and death are not substantive and could not survive as absolutes because these are not free from all relations or independent. All of these are related to love, light, heat, or life as higher conditions and are dependent on them or conditioned by them. For example, if I bring light, darkness disappears. If I bring love, hate disappears.

So “Everything is impermanent” is not a perfect statement such as is the Logos of God or God. Where temporal life, let’s say, is impermanent in the flesh/body, in relationships like marriage and friendships, yes, we can say this is true in the earthly life. But could we not say that impermanence is impermanent is also true, so then, the statement above works against itself as it too is impermanent and open to change. And the statement above functioning as an absolute fails in not being perfect and in being restricted.  For impermanence or change is restricted or regulated by the thing that causes or acts on something, which has to be the absolute and comes before impermanence.  Thus, it fails as an absolute in not being independent or rather being dependent on something outside of itself; therefore, it denies itself both in including itself and in excluding itself (absolute). Once we add the eternal principle of The Logos, who is with God and is God, we see that impermanence can’t stand. Christ transcends death; light transcends darkness; heat transcends cold; and love transcends hate.


the absolute.


a.something that is free from any restriction or condition.

b.something that is independent of some or all relations.

c.something that is perfect or complete.

d.(in Hegelianism) the world process operating in accordance with the absolute idea.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and with the prayers of Saint Peter, the intercession prayers of St. Demetrios and blessed Elder Paisios of the Mount Athos. May we all be changed by the divine love of Jesus Christ to a good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ unto life everlasting. Glory to God.

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