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Friday, October 28, 2011

Museums of proof or museums of doubt?

The other day someone mentioned seeing the museum of creation shown on a website and someone quipped back that it seemed it was a very small place and, that the museum of Evolution had far more evidence going for it and that the difference was quite striking and obvious.

I will say that the museum of creation cannot be stored in any earthly store. The museum of creation would have to start with a display of every planet ever created in the cosmos, the stars, the galaxies and then finally the earth and all its life… and then not to be outdone, the very micro-biology and irreducible complexity of human and animal cells. What place on earth can hold such a cast array of details? Even getting tiers deeper into the make-up of things, we get into the chain of DNA and the four letter code that creates life. Were these written or did they happen by chance? Logical necessity posits that chance cannot be the cause of order and intelligence and that leaves only one conclusion and not an opinion. God exists! And His Museum is visible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If we postulate that nothing can create something, we are not postulating reason but nonsense. This is a lack of logic and lack of reason. Cause and consequence work like this: a consequence has to have a cause equal to or greater than itself. Since something does not equal nothing, it follows that nothing cannot create something.

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