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Friday, July 19, 2019

Venerable Bede ~ The prefiguring of the Sacraments and the Church (The Bride)

The Venerable Bede says,
In regard to the fact that the woman was made from the side of the man, we can suppose that it was proper for it to be done in this way for the sake of commending the strength of that union. But the fact that it happened to the man while he was sleeping, that after the bone was removed flesh was filled up in its place, was done for the sake of a deeper mystery. For it was signified that the sacraments of salvation were to come out from the side of Christ on the cross by the death of the sleeping one, namely the blood and water, from which his bride, the Church, would be founded. For if so great a sacrament were not to be prefigured in the creation of the woman, what need was there for Adam to have slept, so that God might take his rib from which to make the woman, who could do the same thing to him while he was both awake and not suffering?[3]
God specifically put him to sleep and pulled it out of his side in order to prefigure what would come on the Cross. God already knew.
There is also a parallel in that Adam is put to sleep and awakes to find a woman, and Christ is put to sleep, in the sense that He dies, and He awakes to find the women at the tomb. And these faithful women, and especially His Mother, are a good image of the Church, because His disciples had fled while they remained faithful. And the Church is also feminine as the Bride. It’s another parallel between Christ and the Church.


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