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Friday, August 1, 2014

a layman's thoughts ~ The Church is a Mystery of Eucharistic Community

Glory to God!

   There can be no rational or scholastic definition of the Church. No set of things that it is. It cannot be defined. That is why is has always remained something unique to the world and outside of it and in it but not of it. It stands forever as a beautiful mysterious image of the earthly united with the Divine and becoming one. How can we explain such a thing? Where is its parallel on earth? When we define the Church of God as an earthly institution or something to that effect, we minimize it. Is the Church just a social hall for Christ or "feel good" place? Is it a place where we talk about Jesus and the Old testament prophets and tell stories? Yes, it has these sort of things. But what or how does the Church of Christ separate itself from things that are not even Christian, like communities of Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon gatherings, or even other gatherings that speak of Jesus Christ, Unitarians or Universalists. Or even other communities of men and women, things that are secular or atheistic?What makes the Church of Christ unique among the institutions and communities of men?

   Should we invent our idea of the Church of Christ and make it suitable or more comfortable for us like choosing a flavor of ice cream? Some people like chocolate and some like strawberry... not so if the Church is not man-made or an earthly institution. We can only receive its revelation, its Life from God, through Christ and the Holy Spirit. We should not, however, attempt to make it in our image or to suit our ideas of progressivism or whatever the "ism" of the day is currently. Or make it a place to "feel good." The Church throughout its history has been sober-minded. It has not looked to entertain or to add novelties from man's imagination. But has looked to save man and have him enter into a relationship with God. Not that our feelings are bad or feeling good in church is bad. But only that our feelings and emotions are not reliable throughout history and are not the best measure of what is Holy, catholic and Apostolic. Catholic meaning in need of nothing, whole and complete.

   If the church does not have mysteries, gifts for man that are outside of man's rational understanding, then how is it like the early Church? For to remove the Saints, the monastic life and the blessed elders, and the Fathers of the Church from the Church is to take away a great deal. To remove memory of the martyrs and their acts or even their presence in the Church is to change it a great deal. Their life was the Life of the Church and they cannot be just a footnote or an asterisk in Church Life.

   Jehovah's Witness gather in Christ's name and so do Mormons, and Unitarians or Universalists, but we do not consider these Christian Churches as their teaching of Him Whom God sent is a different Christ and this was historically and theologically spoken against in the Church Councils. These stand outside the Church and are historic heresies that either have over-emphasized Christ's divinity at the expense of His humanity or have overemphasized His humanity at the expense of His divinity. Many churches meet and speak of Christ, but is that enough? Is scripture reading enough and fellowship with our brethren enough? Anybody can have a community of Jesus and meet their fellow people for social picnics and "get-togethers." But is this the Early Christian Church? Is this the life of the Early Church? Is the Early Church not a gathering of Eucharistic communion, which truly sets it apart from any social gathering in history. The real Body and Blood of Christ, the real communion with God made manifest in the this Mysterion. This Great Mystical Supper is the difference between earthly gatherings and The Church of Christ. Without this blessed mystery of God, the church can becomes earthly and strange and the power of God can become something very much forgotten.

    Can Christ's Church be a contradiction? Can it be a denomination? Should Christian Churches not be in communion with each other the same way the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in communion? Can the Eucharist and the other mysteries be offered as the full presence of Christ in one church and only a symbol in another? This is contradictory and fragmented. Where is the truth? Can it be a symbol here and the Real Presence of Christ there? This is a problem. One big problem that people no doubt wish to forget. But it is not and cannot be forgotten. Because where there is division, Christ is not present... only where there is agreement in His name is He present. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in confusion and contradiction, that is the domain of man. The Church is whole and complete and has been for centuries. The Eastern Orthodox Church has always understood Herself as pre-denominational and as complete. Because her understanding is that there can be nothing added nor subtracted from the revelation given by the Holy Spirit through men throughout time and space.

   The communion with God is an experience like nothing else, it is no ordinary human feeling
or passion. God uses material things of the world and brings through them his gifts. God restores material things, sprouts living vines from dead sticks, brings forth sweet smelling myrrh from bones of departed saints, heals through cloth like when the woman touched Christ's clothes. He gives forth aromatic smells where death would otherwise bring forth stench. This is a foreshadowing of the restoration, not destruction, of the earth and universe. Matter is not bad and God uses it as He pleases. Eucharistic communion is an example of this, Holy water, Baptism, etc. These can carry the wonderful power of God to us.

   Can these be taken a way from the Church of Christ? It would appear they have been taken away. And what have the results been so far? What has man received in its place? What has replaced it and is it better? To be continued...


Thanks to:

Christ God eternal
Fr. Photios
Fr. Dean
Brother Lawrence Janic
Clark Carlton
Jordan Bajis
The Church Fathers and all the Saints
and the Eastern Orthodox Church of which I am a small part

May God richly bless everyone to life Eternal and a good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ. With the intercession prayers of the Theotokos, St Eugenia, St Athena, and all the saints. Amen


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