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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How big was Noah's Ark?

The Ratio of Noah's Ark was 30.5.3. Multiply this by 10 and you have 300 cubits long x 50 Cubits wide x 30 cubits tall. 1.5 feet per cubit makes for a cargo boat of 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet tall. It could hold the capacity of around 520 to 522 railroad box cars and about 1,390,000 cubic feet of space. One railroad box car could hold about 240 sheep sized animals. Multiply 520 box cars by 240 and we get 124,800 or more sheep sixed animals. Let's say we store:

3,700 Mammals
8,600 Birds
6,300 Reptiles
2,500 Amphibians

21,100 total animals
x 2 = 42,200 animals

Baby animals are smaller than grown animals and would need less space than their larger sized parents.

Animals in hibernation mode need less man-hours and less food and water to exist.

Assuming the seas where not as salinized makes the flood water drinkable. So water would not have been an issue, especially with fresh water raining down for many days.

Ancient other sources of a flood:

Old Babylonians  1635 B>C> (Epic of Atrahasis)
Epic of Gilgamesh

thanks to:

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