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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A New Christendom IV

In the latest episode of his reflection on the new Christendom of the medieval west, Fr. John discusses the new approach to theology fostered by scholasticism, contrasting it with traditional Christian theology.

Why did traditional Christian theology resist change in doctrines about God and His relationship with man?

Why did St. Paul warn everyone not to follow the traditions of men?

 In theology or "a word about God" are we to study a thing or get to know God in an intimate, personal relationship? 

Is knowing God as a theological principle or academic study with mental/intellectual exertion  different than knowing God personally? yes or no?

Why does the Eastern Christian tradition only have three saints with the title "The Theologian"?
St. John The Theologian
St. Gregory The Theologian
St. Symeon The New Theologian

What is scholasticism and how did its view of theology change Christianity in the West?
Is theology something that can be taught by professors or professional teachers like philosophy, biology, and mathematics? Why did monks in monasteries (away from the world in seclusion) teach theology in the past and not professional scholastics?

What is the idea behind The devil's advocate? How were Western saints canonized after there death by this method of the devil's advocate?

How are saints realized in the Eastern Christian Tradition? Is it via rational interpretation or something else?

Is truth a thing to be intellectualized, studied, or a Person to know/experience?

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