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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

God is--- presented by Dr. Norman Geisler

GOD is—

Infinitely powerful --- Cosmological Argument

Infinitely intelligent--- Teleological Argument

Absolutely Perfect--- Moral Argument

Absolutely Unique--- (One) Because:

1.       There cannot be two infinite Beings.

2.       There cannot be two perfect Beings.

3.       There is only on Mind behind the universe as is indicated by---

a.       The anthropic principle;

b.      The universality of physical and mathematical laws.

Anthropic Principle:

The laws of nature and parameters of the Universe take on values that are consistent with conditions for life as we know it rather than a set of values that would not be consistent with life on Earth. The anthropic principle states that this is a necessity, because if life were impossible, no one would know it. That is, it must be possible to observe some Universe, and hence, the laws and constants of any such universe must accommodate that possibility.

Cosmological Argument:

  1. Every finite and contingent being has a cause.
  2. A causal loop cannot exist.
  3. A causal chain cannot be of infinite length.
  4. Therefore, a First Cause (or something that is not an effect) must exist.

Teleological Argument or Paley’s Argument:

  1. Human artifacts are products of intelligent design.
  2. The universe resembles human artifacts.
  3. Therefore the universe is a product of intelligent design.
  4. But the universe is complex and gigantic, in comparison to human artifacts.
  5. Therefore, there probably is a powerful and vastly intelligent designer who created the universe.

Thanks to Dr. Norman Geisler

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