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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The fallacy of Philosophical Naturalism

Philosophical Naturalism’s claims:

1.       The universe is an illusion [Note: This goes in contrast to Aristotle's classic laws of thought; law of identity, the law of non-contradiction; the law of the excluded middle]

2.       The universe sprang from nothing [note: “nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever can.” The philosophy flies against the laws of cause and effect.

3.       The Universe has eternally existed [note: this also flies against the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that states that things go from perfection to imperfection and that the universe is slowly dying of heat loss]. If we are dying of heat loss, then how can our universe be eternal and still exist? We would have burned out long ago by this premise of an eternal existing universe].

a. The Cosmological argument of an eternal cosmos is flawed not only via the Second Law of Thermodynamics but also from the Efficient Causality idea. We would never be able to get to today’s date if the universe were eternal. Since today is the October 12th, 2010 and there are an infinite number of dates before this one, then how could we arrive at this date?

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